Thursday, 1 April 2010

Ideas & Concepts

As soon as i decided to produce the Rave Live 2 Ident animation, i researched some reference on ident animations and that soon sparked off some ideas. Me and Leonard have met up consistently the last few days and brainstormed a couple of ideas and rough concepts of what we could potentially come up with and produce.

This is just a brief brainstorm below.

This idea below was to meant to be like a flowing energy that travels through the air and makes it way round the Rave Live Ident to form the number 2. I found out later on that the the number 2 logo for the Rave Live is actually 2 dashes instead of the number two. Quite confusing since i thought it looked like number eleven but that's the full ident and that forms RAVE LIVE 2 channel.

Got inspired by these two ideas below next after watching some BBC 2 Ident animation on Youtube. As you can see below the first idea was like a whole bunch of numbers jumbling up together and leaving behind the number 2. The number 2 feels left out and then comes the Rave Live Ident who befriends the number 2 and that forms the final Rave Live 2 Ident.

The 2nd one in the same pic was an idea of a futuristic bike speeding towards a city and then the camera pans up to reveal the city is actually the Rave Live 2 Ident from top view.

This idea below was from Leonard initially and its just a simple rotation of the Rave Live Ident moving in space in Slo-Motion like the matrix.

This idea below was inspired by the moon ident animation of BBC 1. Its a really simple idea and just starts off showing a flying spaceship the drops a pod on to the moon. As the descending pod finally lands on the moon, it opens up to reveal the Rave Live 2 Ident.

All the concepts in this post was drawn by me, Shuhel.

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