Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Once the modelling and texturing were done, all that was left was to start animating. The spaceship itself was placed on a motion path to allow smooth flowing animation to the gliding model. I then had to animate the pod detatching itself from the spaceship and descending downwards to the moon. I also put one camera to follow the whole animation since cutting will just take up time and this is an ident that is going to last 10 seconds. Once the camera was animated i decided to playbast the whole animation to see how it was paced and flowed.

This playblast looks like the finish product in terms of animation and i think i will probably just tweak a little later on.

Also when the pod lands on the moon, i am going to render that as seperate scene and then put it all together in final cut pro. The reason why this scene is done seperately is because when i tried to land the pod in the other animation scene, the texture on the moon became pixelated and the moon itself just became too big and i couldn't really see anything since the size of the moon was taking all the space in maya. So i decided to do the landing of the pod in a different scene and the just put all together as one scene.

In this playblast, the pod had already landed on the moon and the pod itself finally opens to reveal the Rave live 2 logo. I'm pretty happy with playblast of this scene and i wouldn't really change anything.

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