Monday, 29 March 2010
Rave Live Logo
Rave Live Brief
Project Title
Rave Live Channel Idents
Unit Title
Unit Introduction
This unit is all about the impact an ident has within a brand. Rave Live is asking you to design and create idents for their branding that help express the logo the best it can. The idents of Rave Live help the brands identity and give one of the strongest impact of all the branding aspects.
The consideration of your client and audience will be of most important.
Project Brief
This project is very exciting. It is an amazing opportunity to show off your skills at a professional level to people from the industries. Your work could be chosen and shown at the event where it will be played to thousands of people.
The core brand values of Rave Live 2010 are Transformation, Collaboration and Pioneer. These values have to be considered in your design ideas.
This brief asks you to create animated idents for Rave Live One and Rave Live Two. You are to design either a short logo ident of 2-3 seconds max or a longer channel ident between 10-12 seconds max. There should be a 3 seconds hold at the end of each short animation and logo ident and each ident has to have the capability to play on a continuous loop.
Overall we will need 10 animated shorts and 8 idents, which will be 4 for each channel ident.
Logo idents will be used on the Rave Live website and the event. Channel idents will be used as part of the channels identity where they will be played before and in-between programmes.
Please collaborate as a course and ensure that there is an even amount of animated shorts and channel idents so that we have a variety. All of the idents will be used either at the event or on our website. You may either work in teams or individually.
The Rave Live channel logos will be emailed to your tutor who will forward them to you. They will be illustrator files for your editing use. Rave Lives’ branding manual will also be send to you as there are strict rules and guidelines to follow, e.g. the shape and colour of the logo must never be changed.
Idents should be saved as a .MOV as a Quick-time file.
Submission Criteria
You must submit your files in this format:
1280x720, 25fps, best quality animation codec, automatic key frames, unchecked audio as audio will be made to fit your idents, .MOV file
Key Dates
Formative Assessment Friday 26 March
Storyboards need to be seen after the first week of next term, along with everybody’s name and what group you have worked in.
Formative Assessment Monday 5 April
Summative Assessment Thursday 22 April
Idents should be saved as a .MOV as a Quick-time file and should be saved in the Public Folder we will create for you.
Who i will be working for....
Industry Excercise 3 Brief
Project Brief!
Aims of the Unit
- To enable students to initiate, plan, and complete complex team projects.
- To enable students to work to broadcast standards of quality.
- To provide experience of establishing and developing team project schedules and tracking progress towards project completion.
- To enable students to demonstrate and promote the range and quality of their animation skills through the production of a show-reel.
The emphasis for this brief is upon fitness for broadcast purposes, if you read the learning outcomes and assessment criteria that follow this section then you will see that one of the main areas for your assessment is upon how well you meet technical parameters to enable your work to be broadcast.
You will be required to work in small teams, ideally, two, or three people per team.
You will be required to submit three pieces of work for assessment.
· An individual reflective journal (Blog)
· An individual interactive DVD showreel
· A group film fit for broadcast
This should focus on your plans for this project, your brief, your project schedule, and your performance as a team member. These can be supplemented by a group journal to help communication with team members, but the primary concern is your individual reflective account. These should be hosted on Blogspot, or Wordpress and the URLs submitted to your tutor.
Your showreel will take the form of a menu driven interactive DVD where users will be able to select which of your work they view. You will be expected to assemble a reel that demonstrates the breadth of your capability, and the diversity of your style as an animator. As such, you may use work from any point in your studies, or from outside your time at college. You may also consider generating new work this term to supplement perceived gaps in your portfolio. The main drivers for assessment here are NOT the quality of the individual pieces of work, but the way in which you choose to present them and to promote yourself…
This is where the majority of your effort will be directed for this project. You will have to choose a team first of all, ideally a small one of two or three individuals. Then you will have to negotiate a brief for your project. There are three main ways that you can fulfill this part of the brief, but all will depend upon you having a real client, and it is up to YOU to get information from your client to define your brief. This information should include a list of deliverable items, and a set of deadlines.
Way 1
Work as a junior on a BA film project.
Identify the film you want to work on, agree a role, agree deliverables, and then deliver them. It will not be possible to do much in the way of concept or modeling work for these films given the advanced state of their development, but it should be possible to do large amounts of UV mapping and texturing, lighting, rigging and animating.
Way 2
Work towards Rave Live.
This will involve you either working towards doing one of the six channel idents, in which case you will have to contact the graphics students responsible, or towards generating programme content in which case you will have to contact broadcast content creation students to find out their requirements. Be aware that work will need to be ready much in advance of May 19th, so it should be viable within a reduced time frame. Remember the panic that you had at the end of last term? That is a luxury that you do not have this term. It would probably be a good idea to attend all possible meetings about Rave Live, such as the one this Friday (26th) read your email, and look for posters…
The 3rd Way
Find an external client.
You may source a client for your project beyond the confines of college. The same conditions apply, you will negotiate a brief, and whatever work you produce must be produced in a form that is technically suitable for broadcast purposes. Other than that, the subject matter or content are entirely down to you and your client. This is possibly the most challenging of the three ways you can fulfill this project…